Saturday, September 25, 2010

Thank you to friends and family

It was a nice and fairly quiet day, and it was just perfect
for me, here and now.

It is getting colder

During the colder weather I strive for the temperature
in my apartment being around 20 degrees Celsius.

My philosophy:
I feel really miserable if it is much colder.
If it is much warmer, the electricity bill will be very
high, and too hot makes me drowsy.

Today it felt cold. Checking the thermometers in
the different rooms, I discovered it was now around
17 degrees Celsius.

I brought out one of my two radiators and officially
started the heating season.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Autumn rain

Tonight it has been raining.
The sound coming in through my windows reminds
me of autumn rain back when I went to highschool
in Moss.

Back then I usually used my bicycle.
I dressed up in my Helly Hansen's rain suit - orange
pants and orange jacket, and I wore "sailor boots",
low Wellington boots, in such weather.

How did my schoolbooks get to school dry?
Was the rucksack enough?
I don't remember.

But I do remember the feeling of bicycling in the rain.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What should I do less of, and when?

Yesterday I had a "thinking-about-my-life day".
Sometimes I do this as a Mindsweep , noting down
whatever comes into my head.

Yesterday I was just thinking and thinking.
It is a different challenge for somebody who likes
to get things down on paper right away.

I remembered something I worry about:
Somebody I know is still driving a car at the age of 80.
When family members talk about this with
the person concerned, he gets very defensive, pointing
to the MD's recent approval. He is of the firm
opinion that he is still capable of driving.
Driving of course gives this person the possibility
to get out and do what he has done a whole life.
Not driving would mean a great change in quality of

Then I look at myself, and wonder in what fields of
life I myself am of the firm belief I am still fully capable,
but that in fact I may not be so.

What should I do less of?
Worth thinking about.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Remembering my friend G.

Today I have been sitting here, going through my inbox
and checking the emails I got from G. since January 2010.

In one of his emails he refers to himself as "your friend
and informal career advisor". I like that description.

Most of the emails give me links to articles he had read
in the field of our common hobby, but now and then
other subjects would pop up.

Sometimes he wrote like a big brother, a mentor, trying
to give me more selfconfidence.

I made an eight page text listing the articles and some
of our comments, and sent it to his wife, who is now
a widow, and to some common friends.

I think the four hours I kept doing this, was a kind of
personal goodbye ceremony , a virtual funeral.

I miss him.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Email on Friday, dead on Sunday

My friend G. sent me an email last Friday
with a link to an interesting article he had read
and that he thought would interest me.

On Saturday he was at home when he suddenly
called out to his wife, before losing consciousness.

On Sunday he was dead.

He was a good man.

Opening my inbox, I see there are hundreds of emails.
Many of them were just like the last ones -
links to interesting articles he had read.

We shared a hobby. Sometimes I have been able
to help him a little with his projects in that hobby.

His wife told me this morning that he liked to read
my blog, so I hope I gave something back to him too.

Every time I have visited my other country during
the last three and a half years, he and his wife made
the effort so that we could meet.

What made G. such a special person for me?
I will think more about that later.

For now, blessed be his memory.