Saturday, February 9, 2008

TV: Luksusfellen = The luxus trap

Tonight I watched the second TV programm in a series called Luksusfellen, this time with a couple living near Moss.

Many people in Norway now have more money than they did in the past, but often the way they use that money, leaves much to be desired...

"Money does not solve money problems" as Dr. Phil among others says.
But changing your thinking certainly can.

In this program two experts take on a case - helping a family face up to their real , often very unpleasant economical situation, and then help them change their future by redefining how they want to live.

Often the bills have been hidden, the envelopes not even opened, and the banks about to repossess the house etc.

Making a budget that includes saving money and then sticking to it, is the part I identified with.

Imagine getting to this advanced age and not - really- having made a budget before.

In my case, I am not caught in a Luxus Trap, far from it :-), but the principles are the same.
Live according to your income and put money aside for more difficult days.

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